
Monday, May 25, 2009

My toddler shirt dress - FINISHED!

Here's my first attempt at turning an otherwise normal (but completely unwearable from a fashion perspective) ladies shirt into a toddler dress for my niece. I picked up the shirt from Goodwill for about $4. The beach scene seemed like it would be perfect on a little girl I know who actually lives right on the Bay!Here's the finished dress! It took me about 4 hours because I changed my mind on the sleeves halfway through and basically unpicked the entire dress and started over. haha. I always find a way to turn a simple project into something difficult! :)
I opted not to do the waistband since it was already going to be a bit small since I started with a womens shirt which is quite a bit smaller than the mens shirt recommended. But I did keep the original shirt length so I didn't have to redo the hem, which was an added bonus.and here it is on my adorable niece!


  1. That's adorable. Well done Kristi!

  2. Oh my goodness, it turned out perfect!! It is so cute! Way to go.

  3. You are amazing! What a wonderful talent to have, it turned out perfect. I love the picture of her walking away. Adorable!

  4. OH I love it! You must teach me! :)

  5. It's ADORABLE! Cute shirt choice. And UM....can your daughter's hair be any more amazing??? I'm in love.

  6. Oh wait, just realized....that's not your daughter :)

  7. haha, yeah i HOPE my future daughters have hair as cool as Elle's blonde afro! :) Thanks!
