
Thursday, October 1, 2009

I heart Surfing!

So here's a quickie since I know I haven't posted in awhile since I was sick, then injured, then just having too much fun to put together all the photos and videos.

We're both well and having a great time. We've gone surfing a bunch this week and I'm getting better and better each time. I LOVE SURFING! Oh, it's sooooooo much fun! And we've made friends with several of the locals that rent surfboards on the beach so they give us sweet deals. Plus, since they watch me from the shore, they give me pointers and advice to get better. So cool! I keep trying to get JP to video me but he wants to surf, too! So you'll just have to wait a little longer for that. Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Are you ok? Just got news of the earthquakes over there. Prayers of safety and shelter from the US. love you.

