
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sewing Success

Well, I think I've finally appeased the Sewing Gods because my projects are actually turning out so cute!! I wish I could show them to you, but Christmas is just around the corner and I don't want to give away what I've made for you. So be patient, my friends, and I will post my finished sewing projects later this month. I'll give you one clue, though. I'm having a love affair with Brocade and Silk. Oh, how I love them!! They're so dangerously beautiful. Like Sirens of Sewing, they lure you in by their supple feel and charming embroidery then skewer you when you try to stitch them! It's a love/hate relationship, really.

I have an incredible knack for taking the most simple sewing project and making it impossibly difficult by choosing exotic and tempermental material. I'm sorry, but cotton just doesn't cut it sometimes. A woman needs some passion and excitement in her life! My sensitive skin longs for smooth caresses by satin, silk and luxurious furs! (wow, I didn't think this would turn into such a steamy romance novel!) Closet Couture Lovers, unite!

image courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. Steemy!! I do the same thing too. I have to make the sewing projects much harder, but you gotta have that satin!!
