Wreath Around the Rosies
As I was clearing the dead vines from the backyard fence I remembered that my mom used to make beautiful Christmas wreaths from dead grapevines. So I laid my vines out in strips and began twisting and twirling the vines and tied them in circles with twine. This is where my creativity ran out. :) So I relied on my best friend, Google, and found this great site that taught me all about the proper and simple ways to make beautiful wreaths for any holiday or occaision in 3 or 4 easy steps.
Plus there are links to places where you can buy the materials if you're not fortunate enough to have dead vines in your backyard. :)
Here's another great wreath (right) that my sister, Heidi, made for a party before Thanksgiving. You can find her directions here. Hers was SO simple and pretty much free since she used items that she already found in her home: wire hanger, leftover paper from scrapbooking and wrapping presents and a bit of raffia for the bow. It took her 20 minutes. Try it and tell me how it goes!
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