
Sunday, November 1, 2009

I made a website!

I've always wanted to learn how to build websites, but only recently have I found the time to do it. I made this website for Claudia's day care business here in Benicia, CA (Baby MacBean) using Office Live. It was fairly easy to use to create the site and get my feet wet, but also has it's limitations and I ended up learning to write some code after all.

Next, I'll be finishing my mom's cake decorating site ( She's been a professional cake decorator for over 35 years and lives in Pleasant Grove, UT. She makes the most AMAZING and DELICIOUS wedding and birthday cakes you've ever seen!! I started putting her site together while we were still in Bali, but since I've been staying at Claudia's I shifted all my focus to the Baby MacBean site. I'm excited to start working on my mom's site again, though.

I have 2 or 3 business ideas I'm mulling over right now and I'm fiddling with the idea of making websites for those as well. Another really cool website builder site is They make it easy to build flash-based websites that look really high-tech but without becoming a full-on programming geek*. haha!

So I'll post some updates as I delve deeper into this world of creating websites. :)

*Several of my closest friends and family members are certified geeks. This is their term, not mine. I have the utmost respect (and a touch of jealousy) for their skills. :)


  1. Have you played with Wordpress much? Wordpress is the leading CMS/Website creation software that doesn't require extensive coding knowledge. CNN, Ebay, and hundreds of other companies use it.

    I know this sounds like a commercial, but it's not. Wordpress is awesome!

  2. haha thanks for the tip! I hope wordpress compensates you well. :)

    I'll check that out!

  3. Those look great- so professional! You're keeping busy while on vacation huh? So fun to see you guys.

  4. So glad you enjoyed your Office Live Small Business experience! For lots more tips on creating incredible sites for small businesses, check out the Facebook page:

    MSFT Office Live Outreach Team
