
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Fabric Closet Organized!!!

Hello, my name is Kristi and I'm a fabric junkie.

I l-o-v-e going to fabric stores and spending hours thinking up things I could make! Actually making those things is not a requirement, mind you. Spending the time to dream about it, spending the money to buy the supplies then starting the project only to get interrupted or distracted by another bright, shiny project are the important parts. Rinse, repeat. :)

That's my formula for a successful pile-o-fabric that has never been used and may still be bundled up in the original shopping bag, with the receipt still attached, somewhere in a box under the bed. Of course, I purposefully leave it in the bag, in a box under the bed to keep it nice and protected. Right?

I had an epiphany while driving back from Utah where I spent Christmas with my side of the family and I suddenly had the urge to actually sew all those wonderful things I've been dreaming of!! So, I spent 4-5 hours (yes, really) digging out all those bundles of fabric, measuring them, cutting little swatches for a swatch book, then carefully hanging and labeling ALL of it. Whew!

But look how pretty!

I have 40 kinds of fabric, all with at least 2+ yards! Think of all the things I could make with that! If I sewed one project a week it would take me almost an entire year to use all of this!

I had planned on making the Fabric Swatch Book a little fancier and putting each sheet in a sheet protector in a binder with washing instructions, etc. But at least it's DONE and I kinda like that it's small enough to fit in my handbag and take with me to the store. Because now I just have to buy threads and zippers and all sorts of notions to go with the fabric! Yeah!! (why does my husband look worried?)


  1. Wow, this is impressive! I can't wait to see what you make.

  2. thanks! i know, the only problem now is coming up with 40 ideas! I can only wear so many skirts, ya know? :)

  3. Wow! What a great idea! I am also a fabric junkie. I have some really cute fabric that I'm not sure what to do with (yet).

    Apron? Dress for Madison? Pajamas?

    I just found a book that I'm hoping will inspire me: One-yard Wonders, 101 sewing projects.

    Happy sewing!!
