
Saturday, October 2, 2010


I lived in LA once. I was single then. There was a group of other young, single adults that got together on a regular basis. Some of them formed a group to help each other reach their dreams. I forget the name of the group - Dream Team or the Dreamers or something like that. But they figured that with the 50+ members in the group there was bound to be someone else there that could help you reach at least one of your goals.

There's this great Jack Johnson song that goes...

A dreams a dream
And all this livings so much harder than it seems
But girl don't let your dreams be dreams
You know this livings not so hard as it seems
Don't let your dreams be dreams

here are my dreams, in no particular order...

  • get barrelled surfing
  • make the short surf film Watermark that I wrote
  • get my children's books published
  • play the guitar well
  • play the piano well

  • go sailing for my first time
  • sail down the coast to Mexico
  • go on an open-ocean sailing voyage
  • sail around the world
  • have children

  • become fluent in another language
  • be able to do a pull-up
  • run a marathon
  • create a frame-worthy painting
  • sew an article of clothing at least once a month

  • become good at cross-stepping on a longboard
  • hang 10 longboarding
  • bust the fins out shortboarding
  • windsurf on a regular basis
  • do yoga every day
 I'm currently working on several of these dreams. But any help and inspiration from others is welcome and greatly appreciated. I think I'll post them in the sidebar and ceremoniously cross them off as I achieve each one.

What are your dreams? What can I do for you? What can we help achieve together?


  1. Would love to help you with yoga..but I am so far away. Maybe Claudia could she still doing her yoga?

  2. She used to do it daily, but I think she stopped for a while. But she mentions all the time that she wants to start doing it again. Maybe we could team up! But she likes to do it at 4:00 AM!! Yikes! :)

  3. yikes....4am.. is way too early for yoga... those clavereie's are early risers. I thought I was a morning person until I meet Paul.
