
Monday, August 31, 2009

Fish Spa...dead skin cells, anyone?

These little fish, called Garra Rufa, are all the rage in the spas out here in Bali. They are freshwater fish from Turkey that like to nibble on dead skin cells. They are unique in that they won't touch or harm any healthy or live skin and will only go after the rough and calloused skin. Many use this treatment for psoriasis or eczema.

I've been told it doesn't hurt and can actually feel nice and leave your skin tingling. Wearing flip flops every day can build up quite the callouses on the heels of my feet so I'm anxious to give these Doctor Fish a try.

Here's a little video of the Garra Rufa in action down at the Discovery Mall in Bali. Only $10 USD (100,000 Rp) for 20 minutes.


  1. I think I would want to scream if I had my feet in there. Crazy!

  2. I don't know. I think it would be more like a tickle. Here in the US you might have to pay a bunch of money though.

  3. Can't be any worse than the foot bath from Claudia-- RIGHT :) Give it a try, let us know how it works out!

  4. Oh man, I want to try that!!! I bet it bets sitting in the shower stall rubbing my heals it a stone to knock off the callouses. How often can you do it and can you pay more than $10.00 and get a longer session. Another reason to come over to visit. I need to start a list of all the reasons I need come for a visit.

  5. haha Claudia, you crack me up. You could probably stay in all day if you paid them. There are some places where you sit in the pool like a hot tub so your whole body from the neck down is submerged. :)

  6. Hey Kristi, I just read about the earthquake in Jakarta. Was it too far away to reach you guys? You guys should try to find a place to live that is built to withstand earthquakes. Hopefully they build their buildings that way in Bali. And stay away from any tsunamis, okay?

  7. I checked with the local fish store and they sell these fish for $5.00 a piece. How many do you think it would take to have my own little private foot munching crew? Have you tried it yet? Tell me how it was ater you try it.
