
Friday, August 21, 2009

Packing Pains

With only 2 days before we leave, I decided to start packing our ENTIRE LIVES into just 4 suitcases (2 each). Just try to imagine the ENORMITY of the task of deciding which items you just HAVE TO HAVE and which you can live without for a year. You start to wonder, "If I don't need this for a year, do I even need it AT ALL?" Then the Pack Rat and the Minimalist inside of you start to argue back and forth as the pressure and stress are mounting while you're frozen with ANALYSIS PARALYSIS until you buckle from the weight and scream out in frustration!!!!

.......10 seconds later.......

Oh, look! I'm done. :)


  1. You decided to pack light then right?

    I still can't believe you are doing this! I'm excited for you!

  2. You're too funny. I'm sad that you won't be able to come out once more. You're going to have so much fun.

  3. Wow. Looks like the minimalist won . . . I think my inner minimalist is more a packrat than yours.
